13 thoughts on “Creator

  1. It reminds me of Atlas Shrugged too. The proud architect who could not be bought. Great picture for thinking people.


      1. Pawel, yes read it, and let me know what you think : my direct email is in the gravatar. It is a heavy book in several ways; the author has gained a bad name in the U.S. – and yet here they say that they believe in “pulling yourself up by your own boots” …


      2. …. another thing is, Pawel, that you could not have picked a better title for this photo – your title does indeed recall the story!


          1. ERRATA CORRIGE: hey, I remembered wrong: the book about the proud architect is called The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand too. Maybe your library has it, and it is at Amazon.uk – Cheers, v.


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