Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreign

Manufacturer’s mark on the steel manhole cover located on the train station’s platform.

It can be described as both foreign and local. I’ve seen it in Poland and the text is written in German. At the time it was created, German wasn’t foreign language in that area…

That’s Europe, that’s history. All messed up.



13 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreign

    1. Germans are the biggest minority group living in Poland, about 100K people. But you can barely find them in the region where that photo was taken.


    1. I’ve always had a soft spot for any traces of the past human activities. I’m especially interested in all the remains of lives of people (nations) that no longer live in a given area (see one of my previous posts here:https://mothergrogan.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/gone-and-forgotten/ ). I noticed this cover for the first time 3 years ago, but I didn’t have a camera with me. This year I managed at last to take this photo. It’s all in it: magnificent craft, the language no one uses there anymore, the shape of letters long forgotten…


What do you think?